Coming Soon
Well, actually not in a mood for blogging, but if i don't blog now I might not have a chance cause assignment and stuffs are occupying my time.Guess I'll just try and make this a short one.
Blogging to me is like a place for me to post my thoughts and comments on certain issues and show them online to everyone. Not exactly my type of groove, but I guess I'll just have to learn to express myself.
What to expect in my blog:
1. Will do a review of MY lamest friends. (I am sure this is going to be fun)
2. My comments on certain nice places and food to eat.
3. Some movie reviews.
4. Anything special that happen during the day that i think is worth sharing.
5. Maybe some game reviews also, hehe...
I also clearly state that what ever comments or reviews I did on certain issues are purely What I think of it, what YOU think is a completely different thing, though it might be the same sometimes.
Anyway its 3am now and I am kinda sleepy. Actually got lots of work to do but I'm just to lazy to bother about it. So I guess I'll just go to sleep. Nitez ...
and below here is something I wanted to say to a special professional wrestler that just passed away recently:

Goodbye Eddie, and thanks for everything.