Me, myself and palia
Not so sure if I should actually blog about this, but I guess i should. My girlfren keep complaining I am damm fake, and not expressive. I just see myself as a good actor, haha .... But I guess its true to what she says, you can ask 5 people about me and almost 5 can give u different desciptions. So here i guess I try to reveal some secrets of mine .... haha.....First thing .... I AM NOT GAY. I have a lovely girlfren and I love her alot. Since high school alot of idiots mistaken me as Gay and go around spreading. No wonder i got no GF in high school. Grr...... Must be my close friends who are quite gayish also lar, stick so close to me people think I am gay also....
I am afraid of insects. Some people dunno this, but yes i am afraid of those freaking creepy crawlies, ecspecially butterflies and cockraches. But I am not afraid of animals, even snakes and lions. Btw, I am also afraid of cold, like those water in the swimming pool, makes me shiver...brrr....
I speak 3 different languages at home with my family. Chinese with dad, English with mom and cantonese with Grandma. Too bad no one teach me hokkien, if not i can be pro communicator, haha...
In high school people use to call me the ham dai king, haha ... because as a prefect (pengawas) I rampas alot of porn VCD from students and watch them or distribute them to my friends :P
In University people call me the Palia King, cause I abbuse the Palia word alot. its a interesting word, really ... can describe alot of situations or things in just one word ... Palia!~
I come from a family of mahjong players, my grandma has been playing since she was 15-20. I watched my mother play since i was born. my younger brother learned the art while he was only 10 years old ....
By the way, when I talk about my brother, its not really my blood brother, I only have one real sister. My brother is actually my mother's god son (anak angkat), he is actually my mom's best friend's son and since they were so close, My mom just took him in as god son.
I like Love Songs more than rock and roll. Believe it or not yes it is true. My housemates mostly hear me play lame or funny songs just because I like to entertaine them and see them laugh till stomach ache, haha......
I dont like talking to my parents alot. I guess its because we just don't click, or maybe its some generation gap ... dunno lar.... But i still love them
My IQ test says my IQ is below average .....
I never wanted to come to MMU or study Design. it all started whem my mom visited MMU on her company trip and they some how convice her that MMU is a GODLY Place ... and she came home and started convincing me tat it IS a godly place ... so here I am. I got 5 A for SPM, including maths and economics and Accounts. But i got a D for ART. So here I am doing Design, with such a bright future. Thanks mom ....

Godly Place in the whole world .... my ass
I cannot take alchohol, even lesser amount than my girlfren. Its embarssing yes but its damm true. Most of the time I just pretend or give excuse like I am driving, haha ....

Here's to alcohol ... The cause of ... and solution ... to all life's problem.
Suddenly write so much I also didnt realize, haha .... I guess I will just continue next time .... feel like going to yum cha now with friends. Bye guys ....

Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more...